Proverbios 9:10
El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría,
Y el conocimiento del Santísimo es la inteligencia.
El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría,
Y el conocimiento del Santísimo es la inteligencia.

The statue of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Angeles, Pampanga ensconced in the high altar

Viva Cristo Rey!

Solemnidad del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo.
No hay mucho más sobre santisimo. ¿Quieres buscar otra cosa?
St Clare of Assisi.
Patron saint of television. #lent2016 #40for40 #day14 #stclare
#stclareofassisi #catholic #backtothedrawingboard
Patron saint of television. #lent2016 #40for40 #day14 #stclare
#stclareofassisi #catholic #backtothedrawingboard

“Toda la Escritura es
inspirada por Dios y útil para enseñar, para reprender, para corregir,
para instruir en justicia.” (2 Timoteo 3:16).
“La ley del Señor es perfecta, que restaura el alma; el testimonio del Señor es seguro, que hace sabio al sencillo. Los preceptos del Señor son rectos, que alegran el corazón; el mandamiento del Señor es puro, que alumbra los ojos. El temor del Señor es limpio, que permanece para siempre; los juicios del Señor son verdaderos, todos ellos justos; deseables más que el oro; sí, más que mucho oro fino, más dulces que la miel y que el destilar del panal.
Además, tu siervo es amonestado por ellos; en guardarlos hay gran recompensa”. (Salmos 19: 7-12)
inspirada por Dios y útil para enseñar, para reprender, para corregir,
para instruir en justicia.” (2 Timoteo 3:16).
“La ley del Señor es perfecta, que restaura el alma; el testimonio del Señor es seguro, que hace sabio al sencillo. Los preceptos del Señor son rectos, que alegran el corazón; el mandamiento del Señor es puro, que alumbra los ojos. El temor del Señor es limpio, que permanece para siempre; los juicios del Señor son verdaderos, todos ellos justos; deseables más que el oro; sí, más que mucho oro fino, más dulces que la miel y que el destilar del panal.
Además, tu siervo es amonestado por ellos; en guardarlos hay gran recompensa”. (Salmos 19: 7-12)
Tu que lees esto: Siéntete hermosa cuando provoques la sonrisa de DIOS, no el deseo de las personas
Oh Catholic Worker, I am so glad you exist.
Prayer for Refugees and Victims of War
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Lord God,
no one is a stranger to you
and no one is ever far from your loving care.
In your kindness, watch over refugees and victims of war,
those separated from their loved ones,
young people who are lost,
and those who have left home
or who have run away from home.
Bring them back safely to the place where they long to be
and help us always to show your kindness
to strangers
and to all in need.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Obras de misericordia vs obras de la guerra
while you’re busy chasing someone who doesn’t
care to be caught - someone is praying on your arrival. someone is
waiting for your love.
care to be caught - someone is praying on your arrival. someone is
waiting for your love.
By God's grace, I can do great things.
Cuando las personas preguntan ‘¿Vas a la
Iglesia?’ - Lo que realmente tratan de decir es: ‘¿Así que eres un buen
chico(a) de Iglesia?, Por supuesto que no fumas, bebes o sales con un
monton de chicas (os) ¿verdad?’ Y la mayoría de nuestras respuestas son
'Si, hago mi mayor esfuerzo’. Excepto que ir a una Iglesia no nos hace
'buenos’, la Iglesia no es un lugar especial para 'buenas personas’. La
palabra 'Cristiano’ se ha convertido en una etiqueta que ahora significa
lo que 'hacemos’ en lugar de lo que 'somos’. Somos adoptados por medio
de la abundante gracia del Padre celestial; nosotros no tratamos de ser
'suyos’ porque actualmente Él nos llama 'suyos’. La verdadera vida
cristiana de una persona dice 'Honestamente soy solo un revoltijo, pero
conocí a Jesús y esta soplando sobre mi’. Así que cuando las personas te
pregunten acerca de la Iglesia, podremos decir 'No sé a lo que te
refieras en realidad, pero lo que sé, es que no hay nada bueno en mi,
más que Dios, y todo lo malo que hay, Él lo esta trabajando.
Iglesia?’ - Lo que realmente tratan de decir es: ‘¿Así que eres un buen
chico(a) de Iglesia?, Por supuesto que no fumas, bebes o sales con un
monton de chicas (os) ¿verdad?’ Y la mayoría de nuestras respuestas son
'Si, hago mi mayor esfuerzo’. Excepto que ir a una Iglesia no nos hace
'buenos’, la Iglesia no es un lugar especial para 'buenas personas’. La
palabra 'Cristiano’ se ha convertido en una etiqueta que ahora significa
lo que 'hacemos’ en lugar de lo que 'somos’. Somos adoptados por medio
de la abundante gracia del Padre celestial; nosotros no tratamos de ser
'suyos’ porque actualmente Él nos llama 'suyos’. La verdadera vida
cristiana de una persona dice 'Honestamente soy solo un revoltijo, pero
conocí a Jesús y esta soplando sobre mi’. Así que cuando las personas te
pregunten acerca de la Iglesia, podremos decir 'No sé a lo que te
refieras en realidad, pero lo que sé, es que no hay nada bueno en mi,
más que Dios, y todo lo malo que hay, Él lo esta trabajando.
— |
J. S. (via frasesenletras) |
Si Dios te habla a través de una publicación o un blog, imaginate como te hablaría si estuvieras de rodillas delante de Él.
— |
Cristo se el centeo (via cristo-se-el-centro) |
El corazón alegre hermosea el rostro dice Proverbios 15:13, la
alegría cambia nuestro estado de ánimo y la manera de ver la vida. La
alegría (gozo) tiene que ser característico de la persona que ha
experimentado el amor de Dios pues tenemos razones suficientes: él nos
ama, perdona, ayuda, fortalece, provee, etc. Está presente aunque no lo
veamos y aunque no lo sintamos.
“Love is the one thing
we’re capable of perceiving. It’s observable, powerful. It has to mean
something. Maybe it means something more, something we can’t yet
understand. Maybe it’s some evidence, some artifact of a higher
dimension that we can’t consciously perceive. Love is the one thing
that we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and
space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can’t understand it yet.”
we’re capable of perceiving. It’s observable, powerful. It has to mean
something. Maybe it means something more, something we can’t yet
understand. Maybe it’s some evidence, some artifact of a higher
dimension that we can’t consciously perceive. Love is the one thing
that we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and
space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can’t understand it yet.”
If you feel like you’ve
been distant from God lately, I urge you to attend church tomorrow. Even
if you haven’t gone in weeks, months, or even years, He wants you back.
He longs for you. Jesus wants you to come to Him just as you are, with
those addictions and burdens, He wants to help. Please don’t keep
running from Him. No matter how ashamed you are, He will be so happy to
have you back.
been distant from God lately, I urge you to attend church tomorrow. Even
if you haven’t gone in weeks, months, or even years, He wants you back.
He longs for you. Jesus wants you to come to Him just as you are, with
those addictions and burdens, He wants to help. Please don’t keep
running from Him. No matter how ashamed you are, He will be so happy to
have you back.
“A pesar de todo, Señor, tú eres nuestro Padre; nosotros somos el barro, y Tú el alfarero. Todos somos obra de tu mano.” – Isaías 64:8
Cuando venimos al Alfarero, tenemos que entregar todas nuestras
imperfecciones. Debemos dejar que Dios nos transforme y ser quiénes Él
quiere que nosotros seamos.
Publicado por: Mon // Personal // Walk The Same Español
Cuando venimos al Alfarero, tenemos que entregar todas nuestras
imperfecciones. Debemos dejar que Dios nos transforme y ser quiénes Él
quiere que nosotros seamos.
Publicado por: Mon // Personal // Walk The Same Español
Es falsa la doctrina protestante según la cual
la naturaleza humana quedó a tal grado corrompida, luego del pecado
original, que ya es incapaz de obrar el bien. La fe católica indica que
quedó herida), enferma, pero no corrompida.
la naturaleza humana quedó a tal grado corrompida, luego del pecado
original, que ya es incapaz de obrar el bien. La fe católica indica que
quedó herida), enferma, pero no corrompida.
— |
Curso de teología dogmática de Pablo Arce Gargollo y Ricardo Sada Fernández. |
No os conforméis a este
siglo, sino transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestro
entendimiento, para que comprobéis cuál sea la buena voluntad de Dios,
agradable y perfecta. (Romanos 12:2)
#Dios #Jesus #Jesucristo #JesusCristo #Cristo #EspirituSanto #Jehova
#Romanos #Biblia #Fe #Amen #Cristianismo #Aleluya #DiosUnico #Escrituras
#SagradasEscrituras #Avivamiento #AdorandoalRey #🙌 #🙏
siglo, sino transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestro
entendimiento, para que comprobéis cuál sea la buena voluntad de Dios,
agradable y perfecta. (Romanos 12:2)
#Dios #Jesus #Jesucristo #JesusCristo #Cristo #EspirituSanto #Jehova
#Romanos #Biblia #Fe #Amen #Cristianismo #Aleluya #DiosUnico #Escrituras
#SagradasEscrituras #Avivamiento #AdorandoalRey #🙌 #🙏
When you see this, reblog and say a prayer for those struggling with sexual sins.

We tumblr Catholics
should all get together and have a convention. Can you imagine it?
Everyone within five blocks will probably end up converting. Or, the
government will choose to turn...
should all get together and have a convention. Can you imagine it?
Everyone within five blocks will probably end up converting. Or, the
government will choose to turn...
Pope makes strong, silent anti-abortion statement
SEOUL, South Korea — Pope Francis on Saturday delivered perhaps his
most dramatic anti-abortion gesture as pope, visiting a symbolic
“cemetery for abortion victims” located in a field behind a church-run
charitable center.
Although the early stages of Francis’s papacy were marked by
questions about the intensity of his commitment to opposing abortion,
the gesture adds to a recent catalogue of anti-abortion statements by
the pontiff.
Located at the Kkottongnae home for the sick [The House of Hope], a
facility serving about 5,000 elderly and disabled persons and located
about 120 miles from Seoul, the memorial is composed of a grassy field
dotted with white crosses as well as a statue of what Catholics refer to
as the “Holy Family”: Joseph, Mary, and Jesus as a child.
- John L. Allen Jr., Boston Globe
Sources: (1,2)
SEOUL, South Korea — Pope Francis on Saturday delivered perhaps his
most dramatic anti-abortion gesture as pope, visiting a symbolic
“cemetery for abortion victims” located in a field behind a church-run
charitable center.
Although the early stages of Francis’s papacy were marked by
questions about the intensity of his commitment to opposing abortion,
the gesture adds to a recent catalogue of anti-abortion statements by
the pontiff.
Located at the Kkottongnae home for the sick [The House of Hope], a
facility serving about 5,000 elderly and disabled persons and located
about 120 miles from Seoul, the memorial is composed of a grassy field
dotted with white crosses as well as a statue of what Catholics refer to
as the “Holy Family”: Joseph, Mary, and Jesus as a child.
- John L. Allen Jr., Boston Globe
Sources: (1,2)
El Papa Francisco en su
visita a corea orando en un cementerio simbólico de víctimas del aborto,
como muestra de el rotundo NO de la iglesia ante el aborto.
visita a corea orando en un cementerio simbólico de víctimas del aborto,
como muestra de el rotundo NO de la iglesia ante el aborto.
Huge crowds greet pope at beatification of Korean martyrs
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of people turned out
Saturday for one of the highlights of Pope Francis’ trip to South Korea:
The beatification of 124 Koreans killed for their faith over two
centuries ago.
The streets leading up to Seoul’s iconic Gwanghwamun Gate were packed
with Koreans honoring the ordinary lay Catholics who founded the church
here in the 18th century. Korea’s church is unique in that it was
founded not by missionaries or priests who brought the faith to the
peninsula and converted people — as occurred in most of the world — but
by members of Korea’s own noble classes who learned of Christianity by
reading books about it. (1,2,3)
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of people turned out
Saturday for one of the highlights of Pope Francis’ trip to South Korea:
The beatification of 124 Koreans killed for their faith over two
centuries ago.
The streets leading up to Seoul’s iconic Gwanghwamun Gate were packed
with Koreans honoring the ordinary lay Catholics who founded the church
here in the 18th century. Korea’s church is unique in that it was
founded not by missionaries or priests who brought the faith to the
peninsula and converted people — as occurred in most of the world — but
by members of Korea’s own noble classes who learned of Christianity by
reading books about it. (1,2,3)
Viaje del Papa Francisco a Corea del Sur

“No hay Santo sin pasado, ni pecador sin futuro” San Agustin
Every mother is like Moses. She does not enter the promised land. She prepares a world she will not see.
— |
Pope Paul VI (via acatholicvibe) |
Queridos hermanos,
amémonos unos a otros, porque el amor procede de Dios. Todo aquel que
ama es hijo de Dios y conoce a Dios. (1 JUAN 4:7) 💓🙌
amémonos unos a otros, porque el amor procede de Dios. Todo aquel que
ama es hijo de Dios y conoce a Dios. (1 JUAN 4:7) 💓🙌
My part I of a two part
series on Pope Francis and why I think he rocks! There has been a
backlash against religiosity lately with all that is going on in the
world and folks like him definitely help restore your faith!
series on Pope Francis and why I think he rocks! There has been a
backlash against religiosity lately with all that is going on in the
world and folks like him definitely help restore your faith!
I’m agnostic bordering on atheist and this man warms my heart. He is what we should all strive to be.
I’m not religious, but I love this guy!
i hope this starts a trend and the next pope tries to top pope francis
This pope has made me heavily consider Catholicism.
I wait you… come to me for a moment… speak about what you trouble
the Divine prisoner

"I will exalt you, my God and king, and praise your name forever and ever." Psalm 145:1
God warns us that feelings can NOT to be trusted
(Prov.28:26) because He knows that strong, lasting relationships aren’t
based on emotions but on love that continually does good.
(Prov.28:26) because He knows that strong, lasting relationships aren’t
based on emotions but on love that continually does good.
— |
Unlocking Feminity (via littlethingsaboutgod) |
My part I of a two part
series on Pope Francis and why I think he rocks! There has been a
backlash against religiosity lately with all that is going on in the
world and folks like him definitely help restore your faith!
series on Pope Francis and why I think he rocks! There has been a
backlash against religiosity lately with all that is going on in the
world and folks like him definitely help restore your faith!
I’m agnostic bordering on atheist and this man warms my heart. He is what we should all strive to be.
I’m not religious, but I love this guy!
i hope this starts a trend and the next pope tries to top pope francis
This pope has made me heavily consider Catholicism.
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